Apache Software Foundation Incubator Project Sustainability Dataset

# Description

The paper describes a longitudinal dataset of developer activities from 269 projects in the Apache Software Foundation Incubator (ASFI), which offers data on sustainability promise with respect to technical development and community diversity. ASFI provides a mature governance environment and expert help to projects at a nascent development stage, and projects that succeed in the path to sustainability graduate, while others get retired. We hope that this dataset will foster more research interest in studying sustainability in OSS projects.

# Findings

Here we present the ASF Incubator (ASFI) dataset. It contains historical trace data of committer and project activities for 269 ASFI projects that have entered, passed through and exited ASFI.
It includes emails, commits, sponsor information, and the incubation outcome (graduated or retired).

After reflecting on prior work on sustainability and success of OSS, we give the details of our dataset, scraping methodology, and storage, followed by two potential research studies that can benefit from this data. Our dataset along with the scripts we used to scrape it is available at Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4480753.

# Paper

The paper can be found here.