OSS Sustainability Forum 2023

# OSS Sustainability Forum 2023

First, let's start with a bit of history. In 2022 we had an idea that we want to bring together a group of thought leaders who are involved in OSS Sustainability. It was important to have people that can discuss about OSS Sustainbility from different perspectives. So the team started brainstorming who we could invite to this event - everybody started to add people who they thought might be interested in this event, and through a quick snowballing we had enough candidates to set the wheels in motion.

After several iterations we decide to do it in March 2023, as it seemed to fit well with everyone's schedules and the invited people started RSVP'ing and ensuring they will come.

# Schedule

So what did we talk about? Well, about everything really.

# Outcomes

# Group picture


# Acknowledgements

We are really grateful to Google OSS for sponsoring this event - this allowed us to have a great mix of people. We are thankful also to all those who made it all the way to San Francisco (hello folks from Europe and Australia, thank you!).

A sincere thank you to the Internet Archive folks, especially to Bruce, BZ, Kevin, Caitlin, and all the other fantastic people there for all their help throughout our event. Internet Archive was a wonderful place for hosting this kind of event. We had a traditional working style in groups, and the main room where this happened fit ~50 people easily, allowing for enough space to hang out and discuss.